Revamply Review

Revamply launch is eagerly awaited by the online community to see if it can solve a persistent problem faced by the community, namely editing of live websites.  Say you want to make some changes to your sales page or your blog.  You need to know coding or need the help of a web developer. As you know, editing a website is not an easy task.  You need to be a geek, or you are at the mercy of the developers.  And getting a good developer at the right time is not so easy.  A good developer can cost you $25 to $50 an hour.  Yes, it is an expensive headache.  This is where Revamply comes in handy.

What is Revamply

Revamply is a next generation drag and drop editing software that helps make changes in a website in a jiffy.  You need to just add your website URL to this editor, supply the necessary credentials, and make the necessary changes, then click ‘Publish’ and viola all the updates are incorporated into the website instantly.  This is previously unheard of….isn’t it?  Now that you know what Revamply is and what it can do, let us do a Revamply review.

The Team Behind Revamply

Revamply is the brainchild of Rohit Shah, the Founder and CEO of an emerging software development company.  Some of the best brains of the developer industry work here.  Rohit Shah, a developer, product creator and inventor himself, came up with Revamply as a comprehensive solution to problems faced by the online community with regard to web designing.  Along with the team, Rohit has tested and tweaked the software for over two years and developed it as an excellent piece of software as seen today.

Sam Bakker, the well known online marketer credited with launching and marketing of some of the successful and popular products, joins hand with Rohit Shah in marketing Revamply.  Sam has helped in successful launching of some of the previous products of Techestete.  Rohit Shah and Sam Bakker are coming together again to launch Revamply.

The Revamply Magic and its Popularity

Making a few changes in a fully functional website had always been a headache for the website owners, espeically if they are not good at coding.  Even with the advent of WordPress and other similar content management systems which had made website development easy for the technically challenged majority, when it comes to making some intricate and detailed changes in a website, they need the services of a web developer.  Now, with the advent of Revamply, this task can be safely and quickly executed in a few minutes..

A solid product, a strong, well-experienced development team, and excellent after service are the three ingredients of a successful software launch.  Revamply has all the three.  The product solves a very painful issue for the online community.  Now with the help of Revamply software any one can carry out the necessary changes needed to their websites without spending too much.  The experienced development team behind Revamply has taken upon itself the task of removing the bugs and smoothening the functioning of the software, thereby ensuring a wonderful user experience to the end user of the software.  The after-service team is guaranteed to provide an excellent support to the users, just as they had done in the past for all their software products.

With Revamply you can not only make changes to your websites but also add more than 50 professionally designed components to your website to increase its functionality and efficiency.  The Revamply package also consists of a growing collection of application library.  This makes it easy to add third party apps to your website.

Revamply Pros and Cons


  •     Saves a lot of time and money.
  •     Easy to use.
  •    Affordable plans that suits your budget.
  •     Edit more than one website at a time.


  • Works in English, so cannot be used to edit other language websites.

Revamply Plans

The affordable cost of Revamply is yet another reason for its popularity.  It has three plans that cater to users at all levels, from newbies to seasoned webmasters.

The basic plan known as the Front End – Premium version comes at an investment of $67.  Here the user gets 25,000 views and make use of all the features of the software except the ones in Pro user level.  This is the launch price and the price will go up after launch.

OTO 1 – Pro Version allows users to utilize all the tools and features of the software.  This offers the best benefit from the product, with unlimited views and new elements added each month.  The cost is $197 per year.

OTO 2 – Agency Rights. The company also has a special plan for agencies who run this as a business.  Here a business can create accounts for its team members and allow them to edit any other person’s website.  Cost – $197 per year.

Revamply Verdict

Firstly, the product solves a long time nagging pain point of website owners. Editing a website is so easy now.  And at an affordable cost.  Compared to the money you are forced to spend to hire a developer each time you desire to make a change in your website, the money invested in this software is just a drop in the bucket.  It is a one off cost, and the return on your investment is incredible.

Secondly, the excellent back up provided by the after-service team.  The team has proved time and again that when it comes to software support they are par excellent.  Their previous successful software launches alone will prove this point.  Needless to say, the team is fully fired up to provide an excellent service for Revamply too.  Rest assured, the whole after-service is in safe hands.

If you have a website, Revamply is a must for you.  If not for anything, just for the above two reasons alone, you need to check this out.  It is worth the money spent.  It sells at a one off cost for a very limited time.  The price will go up soon after launch, and so you should hurry up to get your copy.

Get your Revamply Software here.